Monday, May 2, 2016

Blobs of Plush

I totally meant to post last week.

But things.

...And laziness.

I'm here though! To post more pictures and talk about pointless garbage.

So I finished that project I mentioned in the last post. I suppose I was a bit slow about it since I did like four at one time. >.> Which is to say, easy, and not easy at the same time.
The longest, grueling part is always the applique. Any applique just takes the longest time out of your project.

Not that I hate to satin stitch, I love the way it looks. But still, so tedious.

This was the first time I tried out the kitty blob pattern. It was fairly easy. Hardest part I had really was the tail. I also had to sew it at an angle in order to bring it closer to body. Wish I could have made it closer but that was the best I could do. I stitched it like three times until I was just like fuck this. Still turned out well though. 

I also changed the face a smidge, just added some blushing cheeks and made the mouth a bit different. There's also a last minute bow made of felt which was a terrible idea. Not that the bow is terrible, just the felt part. Do you have any idea how hard it is to turn felt? My god. The biggest pain.

I really enjoyed how this one turned out. This one was definitely the easiest out of all three patterns. And with this one I changed up the mouth, added cheeks and a simple fabric flower. I think I kind of fucked up the flower but it still turned out alright. 

These two I finished last. Why?
Because that fucking nori applique is the biggest pain in the ass. So I made these two again because I sold the first two I made but I wanted a couple for myself. I was also thinking of adding them as an item to my shop but after today there's no way in hell. Just satin stitching one of those nori bands took a full hour. Not to mention you do this while most of the body is already sewn, so you have this very small hole to work out of. Actually ironing the nori on is rough too. Since they're curved, it's difficult to get them on smoothly. There must be some trick that I'm missing. You couldn't pay me enough to make these on the regular though. 

I think the ones I made the first time turned out way better. But I could just be being to rough on myself.

I did a few things with cookery this past week or so.

First was this recipe called Ground Turkey Noodle Bake.

I shared the recipe in case someone could make this more appetizing. It was so very bland. 
Everyone complained about the blandness, that's how bland this was. I also legitimately follow every recipe to the tee so I'm giving a very honest review here. 

 I also made some mini cakes. My sister and her bf bought me (and the hubby lol) a mini fluted cake maker. 
I was pretty excited when it came in the mail but a little hesitant about the quality. Check out the box it came in.
Look at how fucking beat up this box is.
Like, it came out of the package like that what the fuck. My sister even bought this shit brand new. 

She also got me this stupid cute lunch box too, since my birthday is in a week. 
Totes love it. 

But yeah, so this cake maker, I pretty much HAD to test this thing out to make sure it works. I wouldn't want my sister to waste her cash on something useless.

So here's the actual item. The product itself looked new, which was relieving lol. 
As much as I hate cake mix, I had to go kind of cheap with what to test this baby out with. We're moving soon, meaning I'll be jobless for a period of time again and I need to save as much as possible. Which meant I made the poor choice of choosing this garbage.
Dude, for the love of God don't buy this. It was SO disgusting. I couldn't believe it was even cake. I ate this shit and it was so bitter and barely sweet. I'm still pretty dumbfounded at how awful this flavor was. 

Thought it'd be nice to show them plain before I put all the stuff on top to try to make this cake edible. I put nutella on some and just sprinkled powdered sugar on the others. But my god, NUTELLA couldn't even make these things edible. NUTELLA! FUCKING NUTELLA GUYS!

But as you can see the cake maker worked like a charm. It actually works too well almost. It bakes these in like 5 to 6 minutes. Any more and they burn so easy. I'll definitely have to try with a better recipe though. I felt so empty inside after I made these. 

Oh, before I forget. I also made pie.

Nothing special  about this one. Just a pot pie with ham and veggies. 
But I had so much leftover pie dough I thought it'd be fun to get a little creative with decorating.
I think it's quite fitting for pie.
Though maybe more fitting if it were an apple pie. ;)

Did you guys know that I love Japan?
If it's not obvious in the blog name then I hope you've spotted my sly weeaboo nature in other mediums.
I have a couple of friends that went about a couple of weeks ago. Literally every morning I would look at my facebook feed just to see all the photos they would upload from the previous days' ventures. I got to live vicariously through them which was nice but I'm sure definitely not as fulfilling as actually being there.

My body is so ready to go. I'm seriously hoping to save enough so we can go next April or May. I'm sure I'll cry if I ever actually go. Like, so happy I'll ugly cry.

Also it's May, meaning I'm aging soon.
But this was on my calendar for the month so it makes the aging hurt less.

Me and the hubby are moving pretty soon. I might be able to do a few more things til we have to pack everything and sell all our furniture again. We'll see though.

I made us breakfast on Sunday. Most likely the last pancakes I'll make in Idaho.
They were good as fuck.

Til next time!