Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Late to the party and lazy to start.

Hi, so I'm officially making my late introduction to this blog. I apologize for not posting until now but I've been busy with switching companies at work as well as just being too lazy to do anything unless it involved watching Netflix and reading. 

I'll try my best to post something once a week but forgive me if I don't. My sister is more the baker in the family, and lately I've been obsessed with perfume (don't judge me). Anyway, let's kick this off with a recipe for Double Chocolate Chip Muffins.

Now this recipe is courtesy of JoyofBaking.com and you can find it under the muffin section so I won't go into too much detail (because I'm lazy). This is a fairly simple recipe and I wish I had taken more pictures but I will show you a couple. 

Like my sister has said before, it's always a good idea to gather your ingredients before you start. Now I changed a few things in this recipe. The first was that I set the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit instead of 375. That's just my personal preference.  

Second, when whisking together the dry ingredients I added a couple teaspoons of cinnamon and 1 1/4 cups chocolate chips because why not? 

With the wet ingredients, the recipe called for 1 cup of buttermilk. It was surprising but I actually had buttermilk, sadly I only had 1/2 cup left so I threw that in with 1/2 of heavy whipping cream because I love using it to bake with. Heavy cream is amazing and so unhealthy. But if you wanted healthy, why are you here? 

After mixing the dry and wet ingredients and putting those little paper cups in the muffin pan, I got halfway through pouring the batter when I had an awesome idea. I made the decision to place a Hershey's kiss or a mini Reese's cup into the center of each muffin. When they came out the candy inside was nice and melty and delicious!  

The easiest way to do this is to fill the cups halfway, place a piece of candy (your choice) into each one then fill them the rest of the way up, they end up looking like this: 

Sorry if the picture sucks. After you toss this into the oven, it should slowly start to rise. It will look like the following picture when it's around the ten-12 minute mark (mine baked for 20 minutes per the recipes suggestion). 

I wish I had remembered to take a picture of the finished product but they were delicious and they never made it to the next day. I left for five minutes while they cooled and there were four missing when I came back so I'd take that as a compliment. 

Now the recipe included a chocolate fudge frosting but I was just not prepared to give my friends that much diabetes, not yet anyway. If you would like to give it a shot be my guest and tell me how it goes, I'd love to hear what you think about the recipe because from where I stand, they're pretty darn tasty. 

I'll try to have more pictures but until then, stay sweet and thanks for reading! 

Now back to watching Netflix. 

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