Sunday, October 5, 2014

So Much Cookies

Everybody likes cookies right?



I will admit it has been a while since I have made cookies.
So I had a request for just some oatmeal chocolate chip cookie dough. I'm honestly not a big fan of just eating cookie dough so I figured I'd just make a big batch and at least bake some and save the rest for my friend to munch.

I have a long queue of recipes in my repertoire that I like to go through and test, because hey, you never know if it's good until you try.

I found this recipe for oatmeal chocolate chip cookies from

And since I'm crazy and have nothing else better to do with my free time, I also decided to make a double peanut butter cookie recipe from this book.

I'm slowly going through all of my dessert cookbooks, so you'll see more of this in the future.

I baked the oatmeal cookies first.

I gathered up all my lovely ingredients.

Next step, cream your butter and sugars together.
Most of the reviews for this recipe suggested cutting back on the sugar. I usually like to stick to a recipe initially to see how shitty or good it is but 2 cups of sugar was overdoing it a tad. So I cut about a 1/4 cup from the brown sugar and the granulated white.

Once they're all nice and creamed, you're going to add your chicken periods to the mix.

Now you're going to add the water and the vanilla.
To be frank, I was kind of turned off the by water that this recipe calls for. This is the first time I've ever seen that as a cookie ingredient. But like I mentioned before, I feel morally inclined to do everything the recipe says before I judge it too harshly.

Mmmm. Next, we take a separate bowl and mix/sift/whisk all of our dry ingredients together. (Excluding the oatmeal and chocolate chips)

After that's all well incorporated we add it to our creamed mixture.
Then we fold in our oatmeal and chocolate chips.

So, the recipe does say to spoon the batter onto a cookie sheet. I did try to spoon it on but they ended up looking like wiry biscuits. I ended up just rolling the batter into balls instead.

Oh, and for anybody whose ever had trouble with cookies burning. The baking pan I have is called in AirBake pan.
It is THE best baking sheet I have EVER used. The bottoms never burn.
This doesn't mean it's an excuse not to watch your cooking times though. But it is a great investment for those recipes where the product burns because of shitty uneven oven heat or ingredients with weird baking times. I use this pan for biscuits because the bottoms tend to burn before the tops brown. So after this it was problem solved.

Bake your lovelies in the oven at 350 degrees F until they brown. I believe I baked these about 20 minutes? Could be less. The safest thing though would be to time at least 10 minutes and check to see how they're doing and what you need to adjust at that point.


I totally didn't do a step by step for the peanut butter cookies.
Honestly, that baking book I mentioned above is turning out to be complete shit. At first, I thought it was me, but the peanut butter cookie recipe being the 3rd one I've tried, I have to conclude it's the book.
Bargain cookbooks are bargain for a reason folks.
At least that's what I'm starting to conclude.

I adjusted the recipe to the best of my ability.
These were not a hit. It was made mostly of cornstarch and powdered sugar...which also has cornstarch.
For those people who bake on the reg, you could guess how crumbly the texture of this cookie was.
No bueno.

Went to my first con this weekend. Had a blasty blast.
Cosplayed a character suited to my personality.


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