Sunday, June 12, 2016



Packing was a nightmare.

Like, the whole time I was just wondering why the fuck do I have so much stuff. We actually just got our shit from the upack a few days ago and I am still wondering the same thing.

We packed up just the essentials and donated the furniture again. Biggest problem was this giant couch we got for super cheap. It didn't fit through the door so I gave up and went to town to dismantle it and just chucked the pieces into the dumpster. 

This was kind of therapeutic. 

So yeah, we moved to Alaska.
It was SUCH a long trip.

We pretty much drove to a port in Washington, took the ferry on the Alaska Marine Highway because they allowed cars onboard, and then drove through the Yukon back to Alaska. It was a 15 hour journey total and we beasted it by driving pretty much nonstop. We only took a few hours to sleep in the car.

The boat was interesting. Our first time riding on one that big. I know my husband had a good time. He's all about that nature and little towns in the middle of nowhere.

 This is not our boat lol. Ours was about 3/4 the size of this one. But you get the picture. 

 This sea chicken was just giving me the stink eye.

I think these are from the port in Bellingham where we first departed on the boat times.
Bellingham is a really pretty city. We totally have that as a place in mind to live if AK doesn't work out.

 Photo of a giant slug I found on the sidewalk in Ketchikan :D
Somebody had smashed it when we walked back that way though ;-;

Pretty sure these are from Ketchikan while we were coming into port. We stopped at like 5 other port side cities, including Juneau, but the ferry only docks away from town so there wasn't much to see. Only time there were tourist activities near our dock was at our last stop in Skagway. We walked off the boat in Ketchikan to check it out anway.

We were actually stopped right after we exited the pier by a local policeman. Apparently my husband and I look like drug mules. He asked several times if we had drugs on us. 
As if after the fourth or fifth time, drugs would magically appear on our person. 
I'll admit I was a little offended.

 Just me getting in the way of my husband's picture taking.

 View from our cabin window. We had four beds to ourselves. 
It was great.


The drive was not as fun. I pretty much was anxious about it from the beginning. I had not heard great things about driving the Alaskan Highway.
Though, even if it was still kinda shitty, it was not nearly as terrible as I thought it was going to be.
But it was scary as fuck. We maybe have cell signal about 10-15 percent of the entire drive. I was amazed I even had data access to use Google Maps. We would have been totally fucked without it.

It was my first time in Canada. We entered British Columbia and not even an hour in I had to brake for a black mama bear and two of her cubs crossing the highway. 

Driving through the Yukon totally blows you guys. We drove like 40-50 miles through just shitty gravel with giant bumps and pot holes. It took forever because we were driving about like 25 to 30 mph through the whole mess. 

We made one big stop in White Horse to get some food and I wanted to check out a local grocery store to snag some KRAFT DINNEEERRRR.

This is totally what Canadians look like. South Park is spot on. 

My Canadian grocery store haul.
Everything was fucking delicious. 

Our new apartment hasn't been too bad. I was a bit anxious about being in a new neighborhood. 
But, surprisingly, we picked the better part of town to live in. 
There's screaming kids on all sides, no air conditioning, and barely any closet space, but I can deal. 
The air conditioning was a bit concerning but it's mid-June and I'm having to wear slippers and a sweater indoors because it's so chilly some days. 

This came as a big surprise for me.
I had never seen a dishwasher set up like this before. I almost wanted to cry lol.
BUT, it's not that bad. Thankfully we HAVE one, and the setup isn't as painful as I had projected it to be. Plus, we have access to more cabinet space which is a plus. 
I have a shit ton of baking supplies.

 Oh yeah, we tried crickets before we left Idaho.
I can safely say I was not a fan. But it could be that I'm just not an expert and preparing crickets for human consumption.

 I was going on like 3 weeks of sloppy sweatpants and no makeup. Had to break that for a job interview lol

 I bought this honey at the Bellingham, WA port before we boarded the boat.
OMG IT'S SO FUCKING DELICIOUS. Like, this honey is legit creamy. I was so excited to eat it with biscuits.

 IIIIIII totally forget where I saw these advertised but I finally found them at Walgreens to give them a try. These were so disappointing. 
All mustard and no hotdog. :(

Think my apartment setup is going nicely. There's so much shit going on here lol
That's not even all of it. 
Like I said, I have too much stuff.

God I love snap chat.


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