Monday, July 11, 2016

Llama, Llama, Llama, Llama

Gosh, I think it's been way longer than a week or two >.>

I've been...busy?


Anywho, gosh what to talk about. I think I actually have been a *little* busy lol. Mostly with work though. Just lots of sweaty morning work shifts ending with damp underwear followed by hot afternoon naps. I'm just so productive.

I mean, I sometimes am, but I feel a little stagnant lately. Mostly because my funds are still so insufficient. It just feels like I can't really do much. Then I look at my living room floor filled with boxes of fabric and think maybe not lol.

One of my greatest discoveries as of late is that I get to live out my crazy cat lady fantasies at work. Employees are the only ones able to spend countless hours with the adoptable kitties and that's just it for me. I literally spend about 30 minutes to an hour after every work shift playing with cats. FOR FREE. BECAUSE I'M A MAD WOMAN.

But how could I NOT?
Look at this stupid cute fluffy face! (the cat's, not mine. mine is awful)

I had a litter of five kittens all to myself. It was what I imagined heaven might be like if I believed in a heaven. 

I also did some shopping because I finally had a little extra to grab some shit I wanted/probably might need. Mainly at the thrift store though because I'm just cheap besides also being broke. I grabbed some good shit though. I found a broiling pan that looked brand fucking new, as well as some extraneous baking pans that ALSO looked brand new. Jack pot bitches.

They don't have a whole foods here. Which I'm okay with. I mainly went there for dumb shit like fancy meats and cheese and bread. There are actually plenty of places to grab stuff like that here though without the ridiculous mark up. But they have a place similar to it called Nature's Pantry that I meandered around in. 

I walked around for about an hour just to see what they had. The only thing I bought was this chocolate they make in the land of Canadia. 
It was actually pretty good and the fact the bar was molded into actual pigs was a cute win.

Let's see, as far as sewing goes, not much happening. 

I did finish that llama! 

I both like, and don't like how this turned out. The pattern was way easier than I thought it would be. I made a platypus with minky last year and that was a bit of a pain. The only thing disappointing was the fabric for the face was not really a minky. It's more like a super soft, fluffy fleece. So, at the right angles this thing has a joker's grin because the seems are so apparent. 
I might buy a different color and give it another try with the right materials.

Here's my first minky project for comparison. Pain in the ass but worth it. And surprisingly enough, the same type of fleece was used for the beak and feet but it's just not as noticeable. I need to pay better attention when I fabric shop.

I bought this fabric to make burp cloths for my pregnant bestie. She's expecting a baby girl so I wanted something extra cute. I LOVE this fabric. It's fucking adorable. 
Burp cloths are SO easy. Just a little tedious and time consuming. 
Also, I can't believe I'm making anything for a child on purpose.

I picked these up at a local asian grocery. You have no idea how excited I was to see the samanco ice cream. It's been at least 8 to 10 years since I've had one. I obliterated them all in like 48 hours.
Worth it.
The other two are also pretty decent. I have no problems eating any of these.

I had another three day weekend so me and the hubs did a little in state traveling to see what's around. We haven't really left Anchorage since we arrived. It was a nice little day trip. There's a small port town called Whittier fairly close. You have to drive through a one-way tunnel that was blasted in the bottom of a mountain. That was definitely an experience. The toll was expensive though >.>

He's so happy outside. Wish I shared in his excitement of the wilderness lol. But I'm glad he got a chance to see something new and go outside. I always feel bad that he's inside so much because I love the inside. 
This was actually a river coming down the mountain. The snow caps were melting so this was all melted snow. It was pretty neat.

 It's been SO long since I baked a thing. I also wanted to test out this cake pan I got for x-mas so I made a simple pound cake.

It's obvious the pan works like a damn dream. Let's just hope this tastes as good as it looks. Planning on sharing it with some new found friends tonight. (Which I'm also pretty happy about ^^)


I've been going through cd's I haven't touched in ages because my commute time is so damn long.

I forgot how much I fucking love Rush. This is definitely one of their better albums.
Camel-toe balls and all. 

Then there's this album. *sigh* I have no idea what's on it. 
Because I give my mix cds stupid names like this.

Don't mind if I do.


 Buying hats is going to be difficult.

 Apparently llamas are the face of Bank of America

 God, I can't believe how fucking sexy I am


Let's end this on a bit of narcissim shall we?
Not like we haven't had a bellyful already.


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