Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Nutella? You Mean Chocolate Crack Right?

It has gotten so fucking cold outside.

Like, seriously. One day it's tank top season then the next it's frosty balls weather.
We actually had to turn the gas back on today after, I want to say, like 5 or 6 months.
I forgot how much it sounded like the NASA rocket shuttle taking off whenever the gas turned on.

It scares my cat half to death.

Okay. So.
Muffins are good right?

I think I mentioned before that I've been trying to go through my dessert books. I am now on this plethora of diabetic delights.

I've had this in my collection for a while. Aaaand I'm not too sure if I bought it? Or if someone else bought it for me.
Either way, it's been good to me so far. Honestly, it's pretty hard to ruin muffins.

So the recipe next on my queue was this gem.
It's for "chocolate chunk muffins." I'm a bit low on funds until my next pay day, so I decided to improvise. 
My pantry was full of both chocolate chips, and lo and behold, a giant tub of nutella that I nearly forgot we had. 

Nutella was the way to go people.

Now, unfortunately I am not going to specify the exact amounts of this recipe because when a published product actually has some worth, I do encourage supporting the author and actually buying it.
Or you know, stealthily writing them down onto scraps of paper at the bookstore.
Whichever is more convenient for you. 

First things first.
All of my lovely ingredients.
I doubled the recipe like usual.

Pretty much all muffin recipes have the same directions. It's mix all the dry, mix all the wet, combine the two and voila.

But yeah, mix the flour, baking powder and salt together in a bowl.

Add the sugar (and chocolate chunks but obviously those are absent).

Now onto the wet! Lightly beat your eggs.

Mix in the melted butter, vanilla, and milk.

Mix all that shit together.
Once combined, make a well in the center of the flour mixture and pour in the wet.

Then gently fold them together until JUST combined.
Remember, nobody likes a tough muffin.

Using an ice cream scoop (or a large spoon) fill the muffin cups about halfway.

Now take that lovely addictive chocolate substance, and drop a spoonful into the middle of each cup.

Cover that shit up with some more muffin batter.

Then, drop another small dollop of nutella on top of each one. (You can skip this step if you like, but I enjoy the marbling effect). To make swirls, use a knife or a toothpick and make swirls through the nutella in the muffin batter (just don't go too deep to the bottom).
If successful, they should look like this.

Now bake these bad boys for about 18-20 minutes depending on your oven and it's fickle attitude.


These were not disappointing. I think I might have overmixed the batter a tad but all in all I was pleased.

And while baking I had the fantastic sounds of Pogo blasting in my kitchen.
You haven't heard of Pogo?

I feel like we can't be friends.

But give him a listen. Shit's amazing.
This one is probably my favorite.

Yet, you can't go wrong with this one either.

You're welcome.

Also folks. I've been working on this cheap ass paint by numbers FOR FUCKING EVER.

The paint was cheap and dried way too fast but I'm kind of okay with how it turned out. Especially since I don't paint a whole lot.
I'm finally able to move onto another cheap do it yourself little craft.
With a cat being the main subject again.

Don't judge me.

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