Monday, June 27, 2016

SUSHI! But, in plush form


Have you guys heard of this neato game called "Learn Japanese to Survive- Hiragana Battle"?
It's pretty neat so far. It teaches you everything you need to know about the basic japanese alphabet. It goes a little fast, so I think I'll have to supplement with flash cards but I read sushi in japanese and couldn't have squealed more internally.

It'd be nice to know how to read and write most things if me and the hubs ever get to visit Japan.

I haven't been up to TOO much lately. I finally found some part time employment. Sweating my ass off lifting giant bags of dog food at the crack of dawn is just so fun let me tell you.
But it pays well enough so I can't complain.

I sewed some things.

At least I think so. There's several more to make in the nigiri pattern but I honestly don't have the fabric colors or the money to buy them so I'm waiting to make the rest.
But this was definitely a fun, easy pattern. I'm planning on selling them in my shop :)

My next project is a llama that has been on the list for a while. I've had the fabric forever and just thought, what the hell I'll go for it. I need more experience sewing minky anyway.

I hope it turns out well. Always anxious when I try a new pattern. I really hate to fuck up on the first try.
Also, cutting that fluffly fabric is so messy.
Just think of all the pet hair this fluff replaces on your clothes.

Cooking has been on the typical side lately. We don't have the funds to be too fancy so we're just sticking to the basics. Basically just buying cheap bulk meats and seeing what meals we could incorporate them into.

I made this recipe called Savory Pork Stew.

Which, I gotta say, looks nothing like the main photo. I had a chopped pork tenderloin so just threw that into here. This was surprisingly good. I really enjoyed it and it was quite easy. Good recipe to have when you have extra pork like that and you want to do something a little different.

This was a hella big tenderloin by the way. So I had another recipe to throw it in. 
It was called Gravy Baked Pork Chops.

The ingredients list was SO simple and cheap which is probably why this wasn't the best recipe in the world. I honestly feel like I made it before a while back. It's not terrible, but it is a little bland. Best thing about it being that the meat was very tender. 

I've still been nomming on that delicious fucking honey. This is just a snack I put together. It's a sliced banana on toast with honey drizzled on top. 

There's been some terrible news in the anime world.
If you're a weeaboo nerd like me, then you're undoubtedly familiar with Shingeki No Kyojin (Attack on Titan). 
Everyone and their mom was ready for the second season to come out this fall. But guess what!

It's just not fair. 

It's snap chat time again!

 Look...I'm a rockabilly?

 I think I look extra good in this one.

 It's like my inner self is trying to come out

 Not gonna lie. This is creepy as fuck.

 Yes, I could be a cat. 
I could totally be a cat.
Please let me be a cat.

This one is pretty realistic lol
But sadly, I do not has beard.

Music is so awesome.
Recently discovered Fifth Harmony has a lot of singles I enjoy.
They're new album is killin it people.


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