Monday, April 18, 2016

Fading Back Into Reality

Oh dear, it's been a really long time. I literally haven't been back for over a year. Holy crap.

I would say I've been "busy" but I think "lazy" is the more appropriate term for my absence.

But I think I'm going to just go in a different direction with this blog. I'll make it more like a journal I guess but more just chronicling what I've been up to and sharing my thoughts on shit. My sister may hop on here if she wants but she probably forgot all about this.

It's cool.

So let's see, what I have been up to for the past YEAR.

Well last year not too much happened. I got promoted to full time at my job and I was sewing a bunch in my spare time. I even opened an etsy shop. I'll link it later once it's off vacation mode. I was hoping to turn it off but we may be doing a giant move soon and I also didn't want to deal with filling out another stupid sales tax form for next quarter. So I'll wait until we're settled again, wherever we may end up.

One major event would be that I got married.
Finally. This coming august will be 8 years since me and the hubby first started dating. Made sense for us to finally tie the knot.
This is the photo I used for the save the dates.

We had a fairly small wedding. Originally our guest list was about 54 but week of I got a handful of cancellations. I will say that was really disappointing for me. I don't have a lot of particularly close friends and it was my addition to the guest list that ended up being no shows. The bride's side of the ceremony was so tiny. 

But because of that I REALLY appreciated everyone who actually did make. Especially for my love, pretty much all of his friends showed up and I think that made of us happy. 

Our wedding was also VERY laid back. Like, everything went by so fast that day and we left the venue around 9. Then I tried to stuff my face with pizza before passing out because I'd barely eaten that whole week. 

All in all though, we had a great time and I'm glad we had a wedding; since I've always viewed weddings as a waste of time and money.


It was also really nice to see my folks again. It had been way too long. I was a little startled and sad to see how much they had aged since I'd been gone. I'll definitely make an effort to come home at the end of the year.

So yeah! That's basically the big things I feel like sharing since I've been gone.
Onto the present!

It's been so long since I've sewn anything. But I plan on diving into some projects tonight. I have all my materials cut and ready to go.

If any of you sew I would HIGHLY recommend any book from Choly Knight.
My etsy shop's stock wouldn't have happened if not for her patterns. I know how to hand sew fairly well but I was able to teach myself how to work a sewing machine and make cute things with the help of her book Sew Kawaii.
 I've made most of the patterns in here already, but I'm still going through and completing some projects from here when I have the time.
This is going to be my next little sewing project. I've actually made the onigiri previously, but I sold them at an anime convention last spring so I'd like to make a couple more for myself to just keep and also to possibly take pictures of for my shop.
These are the ones I made last year. They actually sold really fast, but I'm not surprised. I mean how cute is this shit?

For the bunny and the kitty blobs, I'll be doing the mouths slightly different and probably adding cheek blush but other than that I'll be sticking to the pattern. I'm also debating putting a bow on one of them but I'll see how that goes.

I've been busy in the kitchen as well. Although, that's probably the most enjoyable parts of my weekend. Cooking and baking are just such calming activities. Not to mention tasty af.

Typically, every week I try out a new recipe or two. Then I save them and transfer them to a document to print out. I have a binder with desserts/bread and one for regular meals filled with all the shit I've tested and tried. It's good to have something available like that so you actually know whether a recipe is garbage or not.

This week I made beef stroganoff.
It was pretty good. I totes forgot to add the sour cream towards the end but I don't think I would have really missed it.

And I also made a plain orange cake.
Which is actually quite good. Definitely a keeper recipe for any layer cake I'd like to make in the future that highlights citrus.

Before I forget. Did I mention I have this super awesome bestie who is also a most fabulous artist?

This was her wedding gift to us. She definitely put all of her feels into this one. It's pretty much the perfect picture to describe us and I love it so much.
I can't wait to have it framed and hung.

I'll be back next week with more things!

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